Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec: Part 1

‘Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec’ is a 5-part mini-series chronicling the writer’s observations on FingerTec Worldwide through the 5 Ps of marketing as he stumbles along his first year in the company. In Part 1, the writer discusses the People component of the tool.

Getting a view of the people around you
When Mark Zuckerberg wants to work with you, he’ll walk with you through the woods behind the Facebook headquarters. At the end of the hike, Mark will simultaneously ‘unveil’ a breathtaking view of Silicon Valley along with an offer you can’t refuse – a job position or business offer from Facebook. Well, since Puchong is no Palo Alto, I did not expect a walk through the woods with FingerTec CEO, Mr Teh Hon Seng. I did, however, hope for other seemly practices that would make me go, “wow, FingerTec people are different” while working here. I wasn’t disappointed there. Read more to see what I saw while people-watching, not unlike Woody Allen.

‘Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec’ is a 5-part mini-series chronicling the writer’s observations on FingerTec Worldwide through the 5 Ps...


Physically Being Together

Working from home is only for a lucky few.
Statistics show that 97 percent of the working class has a daily ritual of traveling back and forth to work, and only a mere lucky 3 percent work from home. But the good news is, the number of Stay-at-Home workers rise rapidly; for example the 4.2 million Americans in 2000 working from home represents a 23 percent increase from 1990. Of course, laptops, high-speed Internet access, and smart phones have made home offices nearly indistinguishable from office offices.

The benefits of working from home? A survey summarized in the Microsoft whitepaper, Work without Walls, indicates the top 10 benefits of working from home from the employee’s viewpoint in reverse order:

Working from home is only for a lucky few. Statistics show that 97 percent of the working class has a daily ritual of traveling back and...


Do You Think You Have A True Cloud Infrastructure? Let’s Learn

Let's shed some light on Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing (or for those uninitiated, putting your information or database in a remote server location) has become a buzzword in the IT industry these few years. For avid Internet users, it’s pretty hard to escape from consuming and utilizing Cloud applications or Cloud Solutions. If you have a Gmail account, you are a cloud user; if you have a Facebook account, which I strongly think you do, you are a cloud user. You have a Dropbox? You are also using cloud. You see, cloud is everywhere around you. In fact, apart from our personal usage of cloud systems available in the Internet, on a company level FingerTec has started using Cloud services and writing customized programming code since five years back when we first deployed Customer Relationship Management using

Let's shed some light on Cloud Computing Cloud Computing (or for those uninitiated, putting your information or database...


10 Simple Mistakes People Make During TCMS V2 Initial Setup

At FingerTec, we do our best to make things easy for our clients with guides, videos, tips, etc. However, despite our efforts to accommodate and expedite, there are cases where confusions are unavoidable due to customers wanting to set up the software in the shortest amount of time possible with little information in hand.

To save you time and energy, I’ll list down 10 common mistakes users do when installing TCMS V2. Print this list and give it to your new customer, I bet they will thank you later.

At FingerTec, we do our best to make things easy for our clients with guides, videos, tips, etc. However, despite our efforts to accommodat...


Simply Beneficial FingerTec Developer Program

FingerTec - Simplifying to make things easier
So, what’s new at FingerTec? In case you haven’t gotten ahold of our newsletter or you are not a subscriber to our social media, it is my pleasure to inform that we’ve just launched the FingerTec Developer Program, a program designed to simplify processes for system integrators in obtaining guides and support for all FingerTec SDKs. For those of you who read our news but isn’t sure what the Program entails, read on.

FingerTec - Simplifying to make things easier So, what’s new at FingerTec? In case you haven’t gotten ahold of our newsletter or you ar...


Poetic Way in Business

I love poems, often read and write poems, have published 4 poetry books so far, and have filled my library with poetry books as its main collection. Does my love for literature or especially poems contribute to my business? It may seem that the two interests are polarizing to many people; but to me, they don’t. They roll well into one another like two gearwheels.

But how has my affection in poetry helped in the FingerTec business?

Firstly, in a poem, words are meticulously chosen. The use of words must be frugal; the best poet can get the most out of them in a dozen of lines. This unusual sensitivity towards language spreads its tentacles across the write-ups in our marketing materials including brochures, ads, taglines, website and social media. Metaphor, paronomasia or rhythmic techniques are often used in our taglines to increase readability.

I love poems, often read and write poems, have published 4 poetry books so far, and have filled my library with poetry books as i...


Being Supportive Takes Effort

I have lived and breathed support for FingerTec for the past six years now. I have worked my way up, dealing with all sorts of customers with different problems round the clock. One thing all customers have in common is, they need their problems to be sorted out ASAP.

Ideally, that’s what my team would like to give but there are a lot of challenges presented when trying to provide quick support. Time difference indeed is one major problem for us in servicing our customers. In fact, I think FingerTec is doing quite alright with our 24/7 remote support. You might need to wait for a few minutes (or sometimes a few hours) to get a reply but the fact that we are available to solve your nagging problems is very much a plus point. But when facing a more complex problem, one that may include involvement from the other departments or teams, waiting is unavoidable. 

I have lived and breathed support for FingerTec for the past six years now. I have worked my way up, dealing with all sorts of c...