Simply Beneficial FingerTec Developer Program

FingerTec - Simplifying to make things easier
So, what’s new at FingerTec? In case you haven’t gotten ahold of our newsletter or you are not a subscriber to our social media, it is my pleasure to inform that we’ve just launched the FingerTec Developer Program, a program designed to simplify processes for system integrators in obtaining guides and support for all FingerTec SDKs. For those of you who read our news but isn’t sure what the Program entails, read on.

The steps to get with the program are pretty straightforward. It’s as easy as counting. Look for the SDK you want, sign up with relevant product’s serial number(s) and upon approval, simply access the website for SDKs’ guides, tips and downloads. With the program, you no longer need to send NDAs back and forth, email our software personnel a few times before you could understand what to do with our SDKs or challengingly wait to receive the files you want. To top it off, the best thing about this program is, it’s a no-fuss-no-charge simple program. And your boss tells you there’s nothing free in the world?

Now, the real question is, how should you use this program to benefit your business?

The first step is to explore the demands for biometrics-enabled solutions for your business, even those that may seem inaccessible at first. The simplicity of FingerTec products provides flexibility for the system to be deployed in various industries, which could include hospitals, schools, factories, office branches, clinics, construction sites, retail industry, common offices and etc. Some may say our products provide more flexibility than a pilates instructor! Therefore, simply combine the demands from prospective clients with your added creativity to produce an effective biometrics-enabled solution that is able to benefit the clients and bring your business to the next level. In short, the solution you create with this program could be providing your business better marketability and ROI.

Over the years, FingerTec has been compiling Application Series to spur ideas for system integrators to assimilate with FingerTec solutions. The App Series features ways of using our biometrics system in multiple industries. Access this link to view them all. 

The Program has started and it’s waiting for you to kickstart your project with us. Determine what’s required to develop biometrics-enabled solutions for your clients/company and you are more than welcome to approach us for a solution via this program. Select the biometrics models you are going to use for your project, what type of solutions you want, and send your application to us. Approval will be done swiftly and you could then access the necessary resources in no time. We’ll get it done faster than Usain Bolt!

For FingerTec resellers, it’s a good idea to promote this Program to your system integrator clients. They would know the benefits instantly. For FingerTec end-customers, if you have something in mind and it involves combining biometrics in your solution, approach us for further details.

P/s: Check out for more info on the FingerTec Developer Program.

by Norana Johar, COO, FingerTec HQ

FingerTec - Simplifying to make things easier So, what’s new at FingerTec? In case you haven’t gotten ahold of our newsletter or you ar...