How TimeTec Workforce Solutions Deliver Value by Automation

Tuesday, 25 August 2020 , , , 2 Comments

There was a time when employees reported to work by signing on a logbook located at the front desk. The workforce system was non-existence, and employee matters were handled manually. 

Fast forward to 2020, have things changed for the better? 

For some, change is natural. For some others, it needs a nudge and eventually a push to seek improvements. Surprisingly, there are still many government and private sector organizations that prefer to stick to what they know and manage their business in the 'usual' way. In fact, many are still loyal to a punch card system for time and attendance monitoring, using the physical form to submit leave applications, signing in on a logbook for visitor management, and there goes the list continuing...

So, it begs the question of why automation should be appealing to the traditionalists? What are the advantages of this change and is the cost justifiable? Those who prefer the old ways might shy away from exploring new ways due to a lack of knowledge and expertise, and some are concerned about the high investment of a new system. It has to be stressed that the old-fashioned way could cost a business a hefty price and a hindrance to its future growth.    

Automation in business comes with numerous advantages. It is not merely a buzzword or a trend in business, and it is not limited to the system in the production line, it is also crucial for workforce management. Improvement in the internal process is the key to healthy growth. Businesses have to welcome automation in all aspects with open arms. Amongst the benefits of automation is the reduction of admin work, which translates to a reduction in the work hours, which eventually reduces the overall operating cost as a whole. Besides, automation streamlines communication, it provides greater visibility to the stakeholders, it offers efficient task management, improves operational stability, improves work quality, and increases employee engagement. 

And let's explore how TimeTec cloud solutions deliver values from automation.

Data Collection is a massive problem for many organizations, particularly the ones that have multiple branches locally and abroad. How to get all the data in the system uniform and in a reliable manner? TimeTec delivers automation in data collection through the ability to connect to the data collecting tools at various points. For time attendance solution, as an example, TimeTec TA users can report time through biometrics readers and many ways through the App, and all data collected will be available either in the branch and in the headquarters ready for processing. All these tools are connected seamlessly into the system, making it convenient for both users and administrators. For the leave management system, TimeTec Leave, data comes from the App and the web, centralized for the convenience of the superiors and administrators. Ultimately, TimeTec systems make data collection simple and reliable. 

Data Settings/Scheduling for a manual system is a long process because it has to be done, repeatedly, all over again, month in, month out or depending on the cycle. With TimeTec solutions, administrators need to figure out the settings and the schedules at the beginning of the implementation, and they will be applied for all or selected users until some specific amendments are required. Having all settings and schedules done right once reduces a lot of tedious work by the administrator throughout the year. TimeTec solutions offer versatile settings that fit diverse customer requirements.

Data Processing is another uphill challenge in a manual system. TimeTec solutions offer automatic data processing based on the settings and schedules that have been preset, making the process easier and quicker. Automation in data processing provides the admin with reliable data for payroll and other human resource purposes at any time of day because of data accessibility and centralization. Data in TimeTec solutions are ever ready for the organization to apply.

Report and Analysis. The report presents the data as is, while analysis is the interpretation of the data for specific purposes. TimeTec provides a variety of both automatically. It saves time, it is reliable, accurate, and presentable. 

There is no Monitoring in a manual system. If there is, it has to be manually done and impracticable. TimeTec solutions, on the other hand, provide many tools for the management to automatically monitor workforce activities, performance, and productivity. For example, the GPS clocking in TimeTec TA will provide the company with a contract tracing of the whereabouts of the staff during office hours. Plus, TimeTec provides automatic Notifications on multiple aspects to alert all the parties involved in the updates. 

Switching to an automated and digitized system like TimeTec is no longer a question to contemplate by companies in the 21st century. A small investment for this change will bring about a mountain of benefits to the business operation and sustainability in the long run. There is no room for sentimentalism. The manual system is not cost-effective, to say the least. It is time to chuck them out to achieve better productivity, quality, and engagement in your business. At the end of the day, your business requires data that can provide you with ways to save cost, time, and make informed decisions. 

TimeTec solutions are cloud-based workforce solutions designed to deliver more values to your organizations at an affordable and scalable price. Apart from automation, TimeTec solutions provide more values through their varied features and functions. Explore TimeTec solutions at 

There was a time when employees reported to work by signing on a logbook located at the front desk. The workforce system was non-existence, ...


TimeTec Biometrics Thermal Products

When Covid-19 hit, there are plenty of thermal face recognition products out there trying to grab the new opportunity in the new normal, especially when the normal businesses get hit hard. 

Almost all the similar products are from the country that first detected the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, these are the transitional products for temporarily measuring the body temperatures during the Covid threat, and they would be literally useless when the crisis is over if it comes without proper software. 

What is the proper software to prolong their life cycles and put them into normal use? 
The core software: Time Attendance and Access Control
The supplementary software: visitor management

And frankly, rarely any hardware providers have either one, not to mention both or more. Most of them claimed they have, but proved otherwise. And China manufacturers are good at producing hardware, none of them come up with good software products. 

Then who should the customers look for to save their huge investment? 

TimeTec la. Who else? 

We have been in the market for twenty years, have developed the world-class Windows and cloud-based time attendance, access control system, and visitor management as well, perfectly integrated with biometrics device cum temperature module. 

We help our customers in their Digital Transformation in the workforce management in the new normal with the health screening module, not only confined to the limited short-term purpose temporary body temperature measures without any added value. 

The opportunists’ advertisements shout very loud, but timid in every in-depth deliverable. 

And ya, our products are selling like hotcakes.

Teh Hon Seng, Group CEO of TimeTec Group of Companies. Prior to forming TimeTec, Teh led PUC Founder (MSC) Bhd to be listed on MESDAQ (ACE) market of Bursa Malaysia in 2002. Teh initiated the R&D in fingerprint technology in 2000, which later developed into a renowned global brand for commercial fingerprint product known as FingerTec. In 2008, he foresaw the trend of cloud computing and mobile technology, and over the years, he had strategically diversified and transformed its biometric-focused products into a suite of cloud solutions that aimed at workforce management and security industries including smart communities that centered around the cloud ecosystem. Teh has more than 10 patents to his name, and he is also a columnist in a local newspaper and a writer of several books.

When Covid-19 hit, there are plenty of thermal face recognition products out there trying to grab the new opportunity in the new normal, esp...


SMEs Digitalization Journey Needs to Start ASAP

Tuesday, 21 July 2020 0 Comments

Digitalization is a buzzword that's been on many initiatives by the government and government bodies of late. More and more businesses are exploring digitalization, but with all the hype, must the small and medium companies join the bandwagon and start the digitalization journey for their businesses as well? The answer is capital, YES, and there are no two ways about it.

When the Covid-19 hit the world, and when governments ordered everything to shut down, many businesses were left without access to data. Work from home means nothing if the crucial data is not available to the teams, and managing business becomes harder without vital information. If the pandemic didn't teach us anything, nothing would. 

I might be biased on digitalization because I supply various digitalization solutions. But, knowing the impact of digitalization on the operation, I recommend all businesses, big and small, to initiate this process the soonest possible as to not to get left behind.  In short, digitalization refers to improving processes by using digital technologies and digitized data to your benefits.

Now, the question is, why and how? 

An organization needs to make informed decisions all the time, and nothing beats having the right data available at your disposal for that matter. Digitalization delivers data-driven insights to companies through the right solutions they adopt. For example, how do you know that you need to add more headcount to operation? A sharp and consistent increase in overtime work hours is an alarming occasion you should be aware of. How to manage workforce availability during festive periods? Figure out the leave pattern from the existing data and plan accordingly to ensure smooth operation and maintain employee engagement. 

To err is human, digitalization is divine. Humans are prone to errors, but it doesn't mean that humans can't mitigate those errors with the right solutions. Automation reduces errors to the minimum and provides the much-needed accuracy that a business desires. Set your solution(s) to the settings your business needs, and let the system provide you with the outcome of expect. For example, workforce management is a tedious work involving multiple areas such as attendance, leave, payroll, claim, etc. It's only wise for a business to automate tedious processes like clocking time, clocking hours, leave accruals, leave calculations, and focus on more important matters such as staff engagement and development. 

Providing all the right digital solutions will empower your staff to engage with the tasks at hand better and more effectively, and release them from the bore of doing manual tasks. However, while many are familiar to navigate with the latest technologies, companies need to pay attention to the older employees who might shy away from learning the new solutions. 

Having Smart Attendance on mobile like TimeTec TA improves processes and provides accurate data all the time. 

Digitalization is necessary to optimize processes. We can't continue running businesses today using the past decade's strategies. Connectivity and accessibility are the keys to running companies in this century. There are plenty of affordable cloud solutions out there that can assist business workflow, consolidation of applications, making data accessible by the right people, at the right price. Digitalization is no longer exclusive to those bigger players with a big budget and a legion of the IT team. 

Businesses need to kick start digital transformation as soon as yesterday. It could be a gradual and slow process, unique for every business, but companies have to start somewhere. Eventually, all businesses should aim to operate digitally in the 21st century because that's the responsible thing to do to stay relevant in this digitized world. 

Note: TimeTec offers 3-month FREE Smart Attendance to SMEs in Malaysia only. Click this link and fill-up the form to redeem yours. 

Digitalization is a buzzword that's been on many initiatives by the government and government bodies of late. More and more businesses a...


5 Tips to Revive A Business After A Pandemic Scare

So now that the world has gotten used to the fact that Covid-19 will be very much involved in our lives until some scientists ferret out and attest to the universal vaccine that can wipe off this invisible culprit from this universe. Nonetheless, the aftermath of the attack is severe for businesses. The shutdown of more than 3 months for the majority of companies has taken a detrimental toll on their business's well-being, especially the small-medium enterprises. Many are forced to trim down operations to manage the tight cash flow, and at the same time we have to figure out how to conduct business with the new norm being introduced. 

Entrepreneurs are a different breed of people altogether. No matter how bad is the fall, they will find their way back into the scene in no time at all. And for companies that are resuming operations, we return to the new norms that include social distancing, contactless transactions, and extra efforts on personal hygiene. 


Caring Employer Goes A Long Way
Be a responsible company, a responsible employer and provide for your employees the necessary protection against the threat of Coronavirus infection. Stock up on masks and sanitisers. Distribute the face masks to each employee weekly and place the sanitisers strategically for them to use regularly. Don't resort to cheap or homemade sanitiser that is not effective just to save some money or provide one mask a week and be okay with that. 

Invest in A Good System
When times are hard, people are pulling the purse string even tighter. However, having less money to spend doesn't mean that we need to take an expensive risk instead. Investing in a high-quality fever scanning system could save your company a lot of trouble now and in the future. (Please note that 33°C or 32.8°C are not human body temperatures because some body temperature sensors failed to give correct reading at all times) The practice is not going to dissipate post-Covid because the world has learned its lesson. Therefore, having a system that can scan body temperature, scan whether the user has a mask on or not, scan for attendance and door access is something your organisation should consider when resuming your business for the benefit of the majority. 


Not only that we need to care about our employees, for those who have restaurants, retail stores and offices that accept visitors, but you also we need to consider a system that can protect premises from any symptoms of Covid-19. Furthermore, some governments like the Malaysian government requires the businesses that open during this pandemic to have records of their customers plus the temperature data to be available to the government any positive Covid-19 patient found, for contact traceability purposes. Even though there are free government initiatives offered to the public, but as a business, we always need to have control over the system as well. Solutions like TimeTec VMS are suitable as it provides us with the health data that the government requires, and the data is also beneficial for our business. Go to TimeTec VMS to find out more.

The New Norm at Work 
When the governments around the world impose a lockdown on their citizens, businesses switch to Work From Home mode. Now that many are returning to work, it would be a better and safer choice to embrace WFH in the operation. To have a full workforce capacity at a confined space is definitely NOT a wise decision. Rather, those who can WFH should be advised to continue to lessen the possibility of infection.  The best way to go forward is for companies to refine the WFH policy to manage those who practise it effectively. 

People photo created by ArthurHidden -
Reduce Travel, Reduce Contact
As much as possible, reduce contact, which translates to lessening the face-to-face meetings and visits. Unless it's something that can't be discussed over Google Meet or Skype or Zoom, don't go gallivanting around town for a chance in meeting people to talk about menial matters. However, if your staff have to go, make sure they have a good tool to record their whereabouts and the people they meet on record for contact tracing. TimeTec TA is a perfect tool for that purpose.

Establish New Channels to Receive Payment 
Recover that few months lost income with new sales and better collections. Erase the anticipated excuses from your customers such as cannot travel to your place to make payment, by providing more channels to receive payments. Apart from internet banking transfer, provide other alternatives like online payment via credit cards, e-wallet and etc. Get that cash flow healthy again to revive your business the soonest possible. 

Business photo created by lifeforstock - So now that the world has gotten used to the fact that Covid-19 will be ver...


Technologies to Consider Post-Covid

Wednesday, 15 April 2020 3 Comments

We are experiencing the unprecedented. The Covid pandemic has literally brought the world to its knees. Businesses come to a halt abruptly causing a lot of damage and shut down the world over coronavirus. But in true human form, we have always found our ways to thrive and survive no matter what challenges are placed in front of us. The survival instinct, fortunately, is what we are made of. Going forward hopefully, let's plan for the changes companies should observe post-Covid, and how all of us should proceed with confidence in the next few years.

Contactless is the Safest

Fear of cross-contamination is not going to dissipate once the world lifts its lockdown. We have to endure it for at least a year or more. Hence, prevention is the way to go. The fear of Covid has put a stop to the use of fingerprint machines in many premises. The concern is real, and the only way to manage it is to go contactless. Face recognition machine is the best option because it still promises the authenticity of biometrics, and it does not promote cross-contamination through a device. In moving ahead post-Covid, companies might want to consider switching to face recognition biometrics products for your company's time attendance and door access control. And if you need something more advanced with temperature reading and face with mask reading, enquire within. An investment in the right system will help your operation continues with a peace of mind.

Work from Home is the new Norm

The world has been introduced to Work from Home, famously acronym as WFH, rather forcibly. Some welcome it with open arms, some cringe to the fact that they have to do work inside the house with the family members present. Nonetheless,  almost 1 million WFH hashtags flooded Instagram over the past month, indicating how WFH has become a new normal.  It works for some industries where the deliverables are not tangible. And, as we are approaching the final stretch (oh how we hope..) of this pandemic, many businesses will continue to embrace Work from Home, to reduce the risk of Covid infection in the workplace. In view of that, companies need to invest in tools to manage employees who are Working from Home. TimeTec TA and TimeTec Leave are great tools to use to monitor and manage employees who WFH. They are App-based attendance and leave system that captures clocking data along with GPS data and in real-time (and with a photo if required so), as well as leave application and approvals via a smartphone.

The Wise in Health Screening 

Never have we thought that our food delivery package would have a kitchen crew and delivery person's temperatures on it. But we did receive that information from McDonald's and many other deliveries for the past few weeks. It is a safety assurance, a message to say we are free from Covid so you can eat your food without worry. As we move along, a temperature reading is going to be crucial in many places soon. Many premises will make the feature necessary to reduce the risk of getting infected with contagious diseases from employees and visitors alike.  Therefore, solutions for the public must have a temperature reading data field for record purposes as a precaution. For example, TimeTec VMS, the full-cloud visitor management system by TimeTec is updated with the temperature data field so premises/buildings can start taking the temperature of its visitors for record purposes and precautionary measures. It is unwise to take a relaxed attitude towards this because one person with the disease can transmit to at least 37 other individuals, who could infect other people exponentially.

Team Collaboration

No man is an island. Either you are working in the office or from home or a mixture of both, team collaboration is key to get things done more effectively. Companies can't stick to the old ways of managing employees in this day and age. Explore team collaboration tools available such as MS Team, Zoom, Skype etc. to get the team together to discuss and finalize on tasks at hand. For the non-tech-savvy boomers, no matter how terrified you are with the latest techs, you need to work on the fear and dive in.     

Reaching Out to Potentials

Gone were the days where businesses encourage physical meetings at the office or outside unless they are essential. Hence, companies need to figure out how to be creative, reach potential clients and engage them in various ways. This is the time where you can see companies attempt on FB live, Tik Tok, IG live and many more. Doing presentations using technologies or implementing solutions remotely using the latest available technologies. Basically, companies have to pivot to stay relevant.

Plan ahead on the changes your company need. Contact us at for consultation or further information.

Hope to see everybody on the other. Adios.

We are experiencing the unprecedented. The Covid pandemic has literally brought the world to its knees. Businesses come to a halt abrupt...


The Ride-on The Next Cloud Wave at Intersec, Dubai

Thursday, 23 January 2020 , , 1 Comments

While the Big Mac index reflects the purchasing power parity between nations, the Intersec's performance reflects Dubai economy.

For the past three years, exhibitors get lesser, and crowds get thinner at Intersec, mirroring the fact of the economic downturn in Dubai. Nonetheless, Intersec, as the most significant security tradeshow and congregation hub in the Middle East and North Africa region, still retains its status with quality leads to offer.

Intersec, as always, connects us with our longtime partners and it was a pleasure meeting Mr Faisal Kan, the CEO of IPTec UAE, Mr Kinan Alfin, the CEO of Link2Tec, Rouaa and Noor Alkhalifa from Ultratech Sudan, Mr Mohan Das Kuttath from Okaz Telecom Saudi, Mr Ibrahim Elshamy from Intelligent Project Qatar, Mr Mahmoud from DLink Kuwait, Benacer Douadi from Safety and Protection Ltd Algeria, and many more to catch up with our latest developments.

One of the discernible trends I have observed, the main exhibition halls that used to be occupied by the surveillance system and CCTV products have shrunk, many famous brands disappear, lost in the fierce competition. Access control products, the once smaller in size if compared to surveillance, has now seized a larger hall space.

This time around, we exhibited FingerTec products; but highlighted our arrays of cloud solutions. It has marked the transformation of our company, from a hardware-driven company to a software-driven, from outright purchase to subscription-based, from standalone simple biometrics product to a cloud ecosystem company.

I'm proud that we come prepared as compared to many market players to ride on the next wave of cloud computing technology advancement. While many Chinese companies still relentlessly showing their perpetually lower price hardware products; we manage to bring forward a cluster of mature cloud products, under the trademark of TimeTec Cloud City, complemented and integrated with easy-to-connect IoT devices.

Many visitors found TimeTec's latest QF Master App awe-inspiring. 

We turned a standard Android phone into a face recognition terminal that opens the door. The QF master App scans face for recognition and also scans QR codes for verification. It integrates with the latest TimeTec BLE-2 door controller via Bluetooth communication. 

Two parties, one from Saudi Arabia and another from UAE, foresee the massive potential of TimeTec cloud solutions, hence, have proposed joint ventures and investments to foster stronger ties with us. Besides, Assa Abloy of Dubai scheduled a meeting with a prominent housing developer for an integration proposal of the Assa Abloy locks and i-Neighbour cloud intercom system, i-Comm, an integral part of our smart community product, i-Neighbour. And soon, our esteemed distributor of FingerTec, Magnum Connect of Dubai will actively promote TimeTec Cloud solutions with the blessings of the CEO, Mr Nayagam Pillai, to carry this product forward.

February is going to be a busy month for us with proposals to write and follow-ups to make.

Till next time, Intersec.

Teh Hon Seng, Group CEO of TimeTec Group of Companies. Prior to forming TimeTec, Teh led PUC Founder (MSC) Bhd to be listed on MESDAQ (ACE) market of Bursa Malaysia in 2002. Teh initiated the R&D in fingerprint technology in 2000, which later developed into a renowned global brand for commercial fingerprint product known as FingerTec. In 2008, he foresaw the trend of cloud computing and mobile technology, and over the years, he had strategically diversified and transformed its biometric-focused products into a suite of cloud solutions that aimed at workforce management and security industries including smart communities that centered around the cloud ecosystem. Teh has more than 10 patents to his name, and he is also a columnist in a local newspaper and a writer of several books.

While the Big Mac index reflects the purchasing power parity between nations, the Intersec's performance reflects Dubai economy. F...