Harmonizing Localization and Global Standardization

Trying to understand the globe
New Markets
Among the things that piqued my interest when I first got into FingerTec was the fact that, despite its humble beginnings in the early 2000s, the company already has its collective foots firmly planted in the international market. Pretty cool for a vision that started with just a finger. This presented a new (at that time) challenge for me as I mistakably underestimated the complexities of international marketing, and what it requires of me as both a copywriter and a marketing executive. My interest started after reading Ms. Norana Johar's piece in FingerTec's annual magazine last year (it's on page 27). 

Trying to understand the globe New Markets Among the things that piqued my interest when I first got into FingerTec was the fact tha...


The Invasion via Invention

IT has helped revamp industries
Information Technology has invaded almost every industry. The invasion is actually welcomed because once IT pierced through the hull of the industries; it injects juices, and rejuvenates the industries to move forward with a faster pace. We observed how IT has helped revamp industries in the eighties and nineties during the last century. For examples, Microsoft Office improves office automation, Adobe perfects graphic design and publishing, CAD/CAM excels as aided tools for engineering, accounting software increases efficiency for financial reports preparation and etc., and this is all happening with Moore’s Law working behind the scenes while doubling computing power in every 18 months.

But those were the good years when IT companies came in as friends rather than foes. They knocked on your doors, delivered amazing hardware and software, took your money, and left you without interrupting your business. At that time, IT business meant selling IT products, and it never trespassed between industries to compete with you and grab a piece of your market share.

IT has helped revamp industries Information Technology has invaded almost every industry. The invasion is actually welcomed b...


Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec: Part 5

'Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec’ is a 5-part mini-series chronicling the writer’s observations on FingerTec Worldwide through the 5 Ps of marketing as he stumbles along his first year in the company. In Part 5, the writer discusses the Product component of the tool. You can read the past installments here: Part 1 · Part 2 · Part 3 · Part 4

There's more to Google than the search engine, actually
I came across an interesting question last week: What will happen to Facebook after Facebook? This happened during my daily market research (aka the 30-minutes of random surfing I do before starting work) as I read an article that questioned if Facebook, the company, was prepared for business if Facebook, the social networking site, would one day become obsolete. This is important, because a good company shouldn't simply bank on one product as every product has its market shelf life. That's why Google, the company, is more than just Google, the search engine. So what about FingerTec? Do we stop merely at fingerprint technology? Of course not! Read more to see how we've placed our core, actual and augmented products. 

'Afiq’s 5 Ps in FingerTec’ is a 5-part mini-series chronicling the writer’s observations on FingerTec Worldwide through the 5 Ps of mar...