Hi-Tech Human Touch

FingerTec has two slogans. “One Finger Solves It All” and “Hi-Tech Human Touch”. The former is straightforward and the latter reflects our corporate image and it has an underlying meaning underneath the obvious. The two slogans are being used in most of our marketing materials or asserted on FingerTec logo to summarize our business strategies and philosophy as a whole.

A New Paradigm: One Finger Solves it All
In fact, the very first and now defunct slogan of FingerTec was “Security At Your FingerTips”. My rationale to detach it from FingerTec in 2005 was because I realized security was not the only industry the fingerprint technology can serve, besides it conveyed a symbolic message that we narrow the business further down to a tiny spot just as fingertips.

One Finger Solves It All is an opposite of Security At Your Fingertips, which reversed the narrow-in concept to a widen-up. And, it also meant although our business originates from one small little finger (refers to fingerprint technology), it can be broadened to all industries, and encourages explorations to some unknown areas. In other words, with an open mind, we can expect a whole new world created from our little world.

Followed by the paradigm shift, a concept of standardized product with an open architecture, a SDK (System Development Kit) that allows third party system’s integration, slowly contributed to construct a new business model, and the night starting to dawn. 

The Next Level: Hi-Tech Human Touch
One Finger Solves It All utters our ambitiousness, but what’s a business for without blood and soul? When the curtain moved-up in 2007, Hi-Tech Human Touch emerged on-stage to play a bigger role.
In fact, I’m not satisfied with the term “customer satisfaction”. It becomes a most widely spread business dogma that offers very little creativity, and eventually produces no less vulgar services and mediocre products.

Customers PAID for satisfaction. This is basic. If you couldn’t justify their minimum expectation, you would eventually bid goodbye to your business. For example, we watch various movies, read many books, listen to a lot of songs, pay for all types of services, use myriad of products; I assumed some of them was below our expectations, quite some was satisfactory, but only a rare few touched our inner hearts and stayed to become our sweet memories. Why movie “Titanic” became a classic while a lot of other movies did not? 

Where is the sensation? Where is the touch and feel? Customer satisfaction is insufficient in today’s business. You (the brand, the business) would be forgotten soon enough once they stopped using your service or product.

From I'm Satisfied to I'm Touched 
Human touch is a higher expectation. You have to be more than satisfaction.  A questionnaire that receives a check for the box, “Yes, I’m satisfied” from customers can’t be considered genuine because it’s a leading question and normally it’s a polite response from a customer to your effort of finding out your service level. Rarely would you come across customers who would feedback, “I’m touched”, because by saying that, it’s devotion from the bottom of their hearts.

Products from factory may reach satisfactory level; but it hardly reaches the level of “I’m touched”because human elements normally are deduced from the process of factory’s operation.

To achieve Hi-Tech Human Touch, we have to cover the tiniest details of considerations based on customers’ experience.  So far we have achieved our expectation to some extends, but it’s still a long way to go.

I believe excellent shouldn’t be self-claimed; customers have the final say. 

by Teh Hon Seng, CEO, FingerTec HQ

FingerTec has two slogans. “ One Finger Solves It All” and “ Hi-Tech Human Touch”. The former is straightforward and the latter refle...


An Old Outline, A New Chapter - A Year Without End (Forecast in 2009)

We shall complete the year 2008 with a profound sales growth at 75% for FingerTec products.

But, how about the coming year when recession deepened and the globe would be enveloped with a long sigh? Would it be a rough journey for all? Especially when the   business community would share the common gloomy economic outlook?

In fact, I resent the excuse of blaming the economic landscape if our business did not perform or under-perform. 

I recalled when the economy was in a very good shape; we performed terribly due to immature products, pre-matured markets and clogged sales strategies. The absence of the success elements, one may conclude.

As a start-up company in biometrics industry, some failures were inevitable. However, if the failures were endless, we had to wave the business “good-bye”. To me, it’s really not entirely the fault of the external economic environment. The good news is FingerTec passed this test with flying color.

Due to volatility of the IT industry, I believe core-competency within a company gives larger impact than the external economy landscape. By culminating core-competency, it means even when you get hit; you won’t fall.

How shall we open a new chapter based on the old storyline? Here is the storyboard, and I believe despite the downturn, we shall make our way to be nominated for the Best Motion Picture in 2009, and taste yet another successful year by your contribution, and share the fruit (of success) collectively.

1.      Market Expectation in 2009

We aimed at a growth rate of 50% in 2009.
Our confirmed Global Exhibition Schedule in 2009 so far:
Dubai, UAE:  InterSec 2009, 18-20 January
Moscow, Russia: MIPS 2009, 13-16 April
Taipei, Taiwan: Secutech 2009, 22-24 April
Mexico City, Mexico: Expo Seguridad Mexico 2009, 21-23 April
London, UK: IFSEC 2009, 11-14 May
Sao Paulo, Brazil: Exposec 2009, 12-14 May
Florida, USA: America’s Fire & Security Expo 2009, 28-30 July
Mumbai, India: China Sourcing Fair Bombay 2009, 21-23 November
HK: China Sourcing Fair HK 2009, 12-15 October
Beijing, China: Security China 2009, Dec 2009

2.      FingerTec New Products in Line
Hardware: Keylock 8800, H2i, TA300, TA100T , i-Kadex and etc.

     H2i - artist impression

TA300 - artist impression

TA200T (Touch Keypad)

Keylock 8800 - artist impression

i-Kadex -artist impression

Software: TCMS V2 web version. Delayed, but definitely will be available in 2009.

DigiPay: A Payroll software that can be integrated with TCMS V2, or go separately as a standalone product. This product would be released in early 2009 with Malaysia version, and it will be extended for use in other countries later on.

Existing products: We will keep on improving in features and quality.

3.       External: Sales & Support System Enhancement

Finally, a simple formula equally important to Einstein’s e=mc2 :-)is derived.
1 program x 2 objectives x 4 modules x 8 websites = Success
Fully understand the formula, and know how to apply it, you will get high score in your marketing exam, too.

One Program: FingerTec Global Reseller Program to bring everything under one roof;
Two Objectives:  To make the selling of FingerTec faster, and to make the technical support of FingerTec easier.

Marketing Module
Product Module
Training Module
Support Module
The seven websites ranging from sales, marketing material, warranty, user, technical tips to training are on standby to serve all the time. And the new member, product website, to make it eight, would join soon to meet the customers. 

Of course, a good system has to improve and to enhance at all time, including in 2009. And the localization would be the main task lies ahead for the eight websites in conjunction with our official website: www.fingertec.com. 

4.   Internal: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Enhancement
The CRM system was implemented since September in 2008. We will continue to improve the system to cover marketing and technical support including repair and warranty claim workflow in 2009.  This year, we will fine- tune our system to allow resellers to check on their purchase history, readers’ information, and warranty expiry date when they log in using their own account.

I believe that to better equip ourselves is to serve our customer better. I will deliver this promise.

5.     Branding Strategy Enhancement
Pursuing the practical branding strategy, branding that makes everything easy!   Besides products, we will continue to make exhibition made easy, product display made easy, and etc. We’re about to release a 40-second commercial video, “FingerTec, The Committed Brand” with a jingle to impress everybody, stay tuned!

The R&D, the brand name and the product of FingerTec is actually started since 2000. But, its image, its larger value was only started to emerge in 2005. The same year, when we had given the product, the brand name, a LIFE.  

Since then, the years have been without an end. 

by Teh Hon Seng, CEO, FingerTec HQ

We shall complete the year 2008 with a profound sales growth at 75% for FingerTec products. But, how about the coming year when rece...


TA100 DIY Launch in Jakarta Next Month!

Friday, 12 December 2008 0 Comments

Located at the Hotel Peninsula, Jakarta, FingerTec in collaboration with Retailindo Tech will be launching the much awaited time attendance products, TA100 DIY in Indonesia on the 15 of January 2009. Sincerely yours and her humble assistant, Tamy will be there to witness the grand introduction of this true standalone fingerprint time attendance product.

We hope Retailindo rocks the show because we will not be assisting in anyway on that day, on the stage. Our mission is to witness Retailindo, Mr Eviek and Ms Sui Ping make history. Don't get us wrong, we do help before the show though. We want the event to be as local as possible with no interruptions from outsiders, international people like us. :-) And once TA100 DIY takes off in Indonesia, we want to promote this product aggressively in South Africa and Mexico.

Anybody thinks their market love this product, email me at ana@fingertec.com and let's discuss on plan to conquer.

What's the fuss about TA100 DIY anyways? It's TA100 series but WITHOUT any software. All settings are done at the terminal itself and the reports can be saved in USB Flash Disk for printing. It's easy as ABC. TA100 DIY is suitable for offices with employees with less than 50 staff and those who are not interested in software (obviously!).

So, how many you want to order?

by Norana Johar, COO, FingerTec HQ

Located at the Hotel Peninsula, Jakarta, FingerTec in collaboration with Retailindo Tech will be launching the much awaited time attendance ...