Have you ever had that moment where you read a tweet or a Facebook update, and immediately had the urge to drown yourself? Despite t...
The Perks of Remote Maintenance
business trends
company strategies
business trends , company strategies 0 Comments
How does remote support work? |
How does remote support work? Recently, our company adopts e-payment when dealing with suppliers. This way, we are helping sup...
Keeping Holiday Productivity High With FingerTec
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
biometric time clocks
holiday cheers
labor time thieves
you can't fool biometrics
Wednesday, 23 January 2013 biometric time clocks , holiday cheers , labor time thieves , you can't fool biometrics 0 Comments
During the holiday season, the time clock becomes more akin to an exam that you did not study for – the incentives to cheat it a...
Global Migration of Manpower
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
corporate culture
Corporate Social Responsibility
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 corporate culture , Corporate Social Responsibility 0 Comments
Foreign Workers in Dubai |
Foreign Workers in Dubai Our distributor in the UAE, Seven Seas Computer LLC, Business Development Manager, Abbas Mukadam a...
When a Cloud-y Vision is Awesome!
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
cloud computing
TimeTec Cloud
Tuesday, 15 January 2013 cloud computing , TimeTec Cloud 0 Comments
A recent Facebook status update from a friend shocked me. Her phone was stolen! It was not the phone that matters; it’s what inside the ...
2013 – Another Year Full of Hope After a Failed Apocalypse, Apparently
Thursday, 3 January 2013
2013 was celebrated with lots and lots of pyrotechnics rocking the city at exactly midnight on Tuesday. Millions of people thronged the city squares for the New Year parties; excited to enter 2013 with new resolutions they set in mind.
Thursday, 3 January 2013 0 Comments
For those who were hoping to experience Armageddon, sorry to disappoint you but Aerosmith won’t be performing any “Farewell, World” songs. Haven’t anybody told you to not trust any random dead guy? Yeah, you still need to serve those loans and you still need to send your kids to school and not try drugs just yet. Life continues. The fact of the matter is life IS monotonous and plain for the most of us unless your name is Felix Baumgartner. And that Mayan guy’s prediction added a dash of excitement and ‘hope’ in our routine life. We need hope to look forward to the future. Without it, everyday is the end of the world for us, so to speak, isn’t it?
2013 was celebrated with lots and lots of pyrotechnics rocking the city at exactly midnight on Tuesday. Millions of people thronged the ci...
Resource Sharing
business trends
resource sharing
social media
As we embrace the coming year, our plan is to further enhance the concept of resource sharing.business trends , resource sharing , social media 0 Comments
Concept of Resource Sharing
There are a lot of resources and components surrounding FingerTec hardware and software. Instead of merely a product supplier, we should consider ourselves an information provider. And digital technology and the Internet gives us the value-added enhancement to deliver adequate information more efficiently to our resellers and customers.
As we embrace the coming year, our plan is to further enhance the concept of resource sharing. Concept of Resource Sharing In the 2...
Walking Green
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Green Walk
People Power
social media
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) , Green Walk , People Power , social media 0 Comments
Walking by the road
Walking by the road I walked 10 km last Saturday, 24 th November. A fraction of the total 300km Green Walk from Kuantan to Kuala Lump...
Using Attendance as a Yardstick for Staff’s Attributes
When all else fails, employees woud always resort to fake MC. Word of advice to employersL Let the staff have their designated leaves, the commitment will eventually follow (or we hope so) |
When all else fails, employees woud always resort to fake MC. Word of advice to employersL Let the staff have their designated leaves, th...
Blog Archive
- Get Serious: Think Before You Tweet
- The Perks of Remote Maintenance
- Keeping Holiday Productivity High With FingerTec
- Global Migration of Manpower
- When a Cloud-y Vision is Awesome!
- 2013 – Another Year Full of Hope After a Failed Ap...
- Resource Sharing
- Walking Green
- Using Attendance as a Yardstick for Staff’s Attrib...