We have hundreds of resellers around the world. I can say that all of them know that fingertec.com has a decent website. The question is, how good is our website? I believe some of our resellers are yet to find out the benefits that our website could bring about. So, when I have the chance to meet up with our resellers, mostly I will end up promoting how they could exploit the websites to boost sales and reduce technical supports. It might sound like a broken record, but I believe that this is important.

Many resellers were probably blown away and overwhelmed by the website’s vast ocean of information when they first visited fingertec.com. FingerTec is indeed doing a good job; and usually they will give us thumbs up for the effort. And they would browse, read the contents, but after a while, I reckon the visits become less and quick, hopped from one page to another, and eventually they’d stop visiting. To some, business will continue as it is and nothing is plucked away from the website to better their sales and support. They’ll just praise us for having a strong and better presentation than the rivals in the cyber world. And this is not what I have hoped for.
In fact in the Internet era, the functionalities of a website should be so much more than a mere declaration of the cyber presence. The level of commitment can be varied. For example, like Facebook, website is them. There is no Facebook once you went offline. And for Amazon, this company literally doesn’t exist in the real world, no matter the vast list of merchandizes they’re offering. But for companies like Wal-Mart, even though they began with physical stores, without online establishment, the future looks somehow bleak.
With FingerTec, our brand soared high only when we revamped and re-launched our website a few years back. Bit by bit, we put our efforts into building a resource center, training site, display cabinet, technical helpdesk, service booth, and etc. Whatever you want to call it, potpourri-of-information-website or a salmagundi-website, this website is there for our resellers to unleash the virtual power to boost their sales and reduce supports.
We provide resellers with free passes to a vast variety of information, a member account credential. Without this account, you will only receive discounted benefits from our website. The only thing that is stopping you from digging the information to better the business is you.
As someone who buys FingerTec products for business, always remember to enter the website with a strong motive, and leave with something valuable. What is of value on our website, is depends on what you’re looking for. For example, there are 769 video clips so far, from marketing, product intro, technical supports, user guides and etc. Take the links to help you in your sales bid presentation, user training, hardware repairs, and much more. It doesn’t cost you a thing and it adds value to your efforts.
You have a plan to demonstrate FingerTec at a customer site? Come prepared. Choose your demo set from our website. You need step-by-step Powerpoint presentation materials, search and download them without any cost. If you want raw files to update and insert your company’s information, please do so.
If you want to conduct a proper survey on your customer’s premises before you can prepare a proposal for an access control project, please get the form downloaded from our website.
We have a series of academic research papers for technology and industrial in readily print-format should you want to enhance your professionalism in submitting proposal or pricing quotation.
Don’t forget that we also have a training website with comprehensive materials at your disposal to train both trainers and trainees. After training, they can sit for online exams and receive our print certificates upon passing the exams. For a more interactive online training, we offer FingerTec webinar page to register a course of your interest. You want to train your partners in your region remotely by deploying our webinar platform? You’re welcome to use our webinar platform, cost-free, no-fee involved.
These websites are enriched to assist you in reducing technical supports. Promote and educate the end-user technical modules to your customers. You can teach them to repair hardware through videos and how to claim warranty straight from the websites.
If you need to provide your customers with FingerTec’s souvenirs, require some from marketing material page, we have over ten specially designed souvenirs displayed on our website for you to choose from.
Basically, FingerTec's job is to prepare resources that you can use to better your FingerTec business. We figured that you might need assistance so we extend our support through our websites. Please be hungry for new things, new information and keep coming to the websites and help yourselves with everything that we have to offer.
By Teh Hon Seng, CEO, FingerTec HQ