2017 is a year full of interesting challenges and the major one for us to solidify our footing as a cloud solution provider for the ...
Embracing A Mobile-Centric Lifestyle
Monday, 27 November 2017
attendance on cloud
Cheap Attendance Product
cheap cloud solutions
cloud based
Cloud solutions
leave management on cloud
TimeTec Attendance
timetec ta
Monday, 27 November 2017 attendance on cloud , Cheap Attendance Product , cheap cloud solutions , cloud based , Cloud solutions , leave management on cloud , TimeTec Attendance , timetec ta 0 Comments
For more cloud-based solutions for workforce industry, head over to http://www.timeteccloud.com |
One might not be keen to embrace a mobile-centric lifestyle but I reckon, when the going gets tough, the mobile phenomenon will win because when life gets more dynamic; time and convenience matters.
If people were to open a computer every time they want access to their Facebook account or Instagram or Gmail, many people will inst...
Keep Your Team Together with TimeTec Profile
Friday, 27 October 2017
cloud solution for workforce
employee profile
timetec profile
workforce management
Friday, 27 October 2017 cloud solution for workforce , employee profile , timetec profile , workforce management 1 Comments
Employee’s personal and employment information is most of the time private and has to be kept confidential by the Human Resource department. Information such as staff’s remuneration packages and other sensitive information need to be safely guarded by the HR personnel to avoid office crisis and complication. Nevertheless, how do the they (HR) obtain and keep that information, as well as how accessible and updated is the information are the questions management need to ask going forward.
Conventionally, when a candidate comes for an interview, the person needs to fill up a form, bring their certificates and credentials, etc, and the HR personnel will file all the information and documents for future reference. While that has worked in the past, it doesn’t mean it has to be that way to stay relevant. Times have changed and many modern companies are indeed looking for a simpler way to manage employee information and that some information needs to be made accessible to other people apart from the HR personnel to achieve corporate efficiency.
TimeTec Profile has been created to centralize all your team members profiles into one place making it easier for authorized personnel to access into relevant information when required. TimeTec Profile offers employee data online, data intact, data correct and updated at all times.
With TimeTec Profile, all employee details can be keyed into the system straight from the interview phase and the information can be directly assimilated into the company’s profile during onboarding process. No more manual data entry required when TimeTec Profile saves all the information on cloud, online, complete with soft copies of certificates and credentials. Create your company’s own organizational uniqueness by creating relevant fields to your employee’s profile. Get all the relevant details in your system and manage the organizational hierarchy easily through this single solution. No man is an island, and with TimeTec Profile, you can connect your team members effectively and efficiently. Don’t worry about confidentiality or information leak because the admin can determine the access levels of employees to safeguard your company’s confidential information and let different personnel to view different areas.
Through TimeTec Profile also, the company can subscribe to other useful workforce solutions such as TimeTec TA for workforce time attendance and scheduling as well as TimeTec Leave for leave management, and all the solutions can be managed from one place to avoid confusion and mismanagement.
By having everything integrated and accessible through different access levels, TimeTec Profile safeguards all your employee’s information so you can build your organizational structure and keep your team together effectively and affordably.
TimeTec Profile will be available by TimeTec Cloud by December 2017. Rest assured that the solution will be useful to any type of organization at a tiny price. Watch this space for more TimeTec Profile announcement.
Employee’s personal and employment information is most of the time private and has to be kept confidential by the Human Resource depa...
You Are Absolutely Right, Cloud Solution Is Expensive!
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
cloud solution for office
cloud solution for workforce
Cloud solutions
cloud technology
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 cloud solution for office , cloud solution for workforce , Cloud solutions , cloud technology 0 Comments
When asked about what is a setback of a cloud deployment within an organization, the answer is that implementation cost always tops the list. Customers often wonder why should they subscribe to a cloud solution when they could just buy a one-off similar Windows solution at a cheaper price? Yeah, why indeed.
There is nothing wrong with the existing Windows software except that of the initial get go, there are many steps involved in the installation such as setting up, user login and etc in which you are required to have an IT expert to run it. Trust me, without this guy, nothing moves. And on top of that, Windows software is also made to be quite rigid when sharing with other computers as well as login from other places are not permitted, because it is designed to be location-specific. Plus, don’t expect data from Windows software to be in real-time because it is not on cloud.
When cloud solutions are introduced, it brings a whole new meaning to the term data management. Cloud solutions promote seamless data management that is not bound by location or time of access. At USD2 per user per month for example, not only will managers be able to access the data from anywhere they want but also at anytime they wish too and the data they receive is in real time, which means that the data is always up to date and relevant. Users, on the other hand, do not need to carry their heavy laptops as cloud developers usually offer the mobile app as an additional tool for user’s convenience. The users of cloud system can be anywhere in the world and whenever they use a cloud system the data are always updated in real time for accuracy.
Of course, cloud solution is expensive. Running a cloud solutions team is definitely not easy on your bank account because you need to have the best team of coders to write the best user experience products your brand could ever deliver. The team must be able to identify problems and bugs at all times and they need to fix the problems the soonest possible and provide feature updates all year long with one objective in mind: To provide the best ever solution to the clients. What’s more, cloud servers also have to be set up, maintained, backed up, and secured from all ends to achieve the same objective for the customers. If all these are not expensive, then what is?
But most important of all, cloud solutions will provide customers with invaluable plus improved processes and amazing user experience that extends beyond its price. Definitely cloud solutions are expensive because of its subscription model, but it is loaded with useful features and convenience that makes the price aspect very minute in the bigger picture. By using cloud, users will no longer need to worry about server condition, maintenance, the IT guy, the database, etc because almost everything rests on the shoulder of the developers. On that note, companies that are reluctant to shift to cloud solutions could find their decision to be costly in the near future when data needs to be at your fingertips at all times.
And for USD2, what can you buy? One Nacho Cheese from Taco Bell. Think about it.
When asked about what is a setback of a cloud deployment within an organization, the answer is that implementation cost always tops the...
Cloud Solutions Adoption: Cost vs Convenience
Friday, 28 July 2017
cheap cloud solutions
cloud adoption in office
cloud is the future
cloud solution for leave
Cloud-based attendance
Friday, 28 July 2017 cheap cloud solutions , cloud adoption in office , cloud is the future , cloud solution for leave , Cloud-based attendance 0 Comments
Ever casually picked up your smartphone and say “Gee, I’m really glad that my phone has all these awesome functions! Who knows how I...
Automation Disrupts Everything
Friday, 26 May 2017
attendance automation
cloud based
cloud is the future
Cloud solution
TimeTec Cloud
workforce management
Friday, 26 May 2017 attendance automation , cloud based , cloud is the future , Cloud solution , TimeTec Cloud , workforce management 0 Comments
Automation wave is coming strong around the world, disrupting all industries and everybody has to respond to it or face the consequences of being left behind. The financial industries are being shaken by automation, regardless of their preference. Robots are replacing people in warehouses and factories. Traditional businesses are rattled by the emerging business models that rely on data and not assets like Airbnb, Uber, Grab, and etc.
Data is being collected at all times from various sources and in different formats to feed organization with the best possible way to react about a decision or to a change that’s been happening. Some view automation as catastrophe for human workforce because they will be replaced by a system but some see it in a positive light where automation will provide employees with more time to focus on the things that matter, and to obtain accurate information without having to deal with human errors and noisy data.
When FingerTec embarked on this biometric journey, data automation was indeed our priority because we could foresee that major change that will take place in the future that will disrupt the equilibrium of the world we knew and data would be KEY. True to form, the world is going gaga about data, and now we are taking it literally to a higher level, the cloud. Having attendance data like biometrics data to be used in Windows software was a breakthrough 10 years back but having data to be used on a centralized cloud solution accessible worldwide is the world we live in today. Dealing with scattered data reduces effectiveness and productivity as opposed to having data at your fingertips at all times.
Workforce automation solutions must focus on providing convenience and practicality to its users so that they can embrace the new solutions without much hassle. In dealing with this disruption, FingerTec embraces change by being ready with not one cloud solution but an array of workforce solutions on cloud that can be deployed individually or as a whole by any company with a single sign-on and matching apps for user convenience.
TimeTec TA cloud-based time and attendance system manages employee work scheduling, clocking, rostering, attendance data, exporting of data to payroll and many more through the web and the app seamlessly. Around the corner, TimeTec Leave is about to be released to handle workforce leave management over the internet and on the app. TimeTec Leave manages leave accrual, balance, application, approval and etc, and a part of our solutions are interlink between one another, providing cohesiveness yet can be accessed by different people with different authority. TimeTec is cooking up TimeTec Hire, cloud-based recruitment solution that giving companies control over their hiring processes to dodge bad hires and save the company a lot of time and money.
Workforce automation has arrived whether you like it or not and data is an asset. People around the world are talking about big data analytics, internet of things, and etc. that requires data to be present, and readily available. There is no time for ‘wait and see’ attitude. Get over your curiosity and start getting in the game. Head over to www.timeteccloud.com and figure out how we could benefit your business or how you could grow the cloud business with us. Let’s!
Automation wave is coming strong around the world, disrupting all industries and everybody has to respond to it or face the consequences ...
FCC Cures Your Data Lost Problem
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
attendance automation
cloud attendance
Cloud solution
cloud storage
Wednesday, 29 March 2017 attendance automation , biometric , cloud attendance , Cloud solution , cloud storage , FCC 2 Comments
One of the common problems received by support at FingerTec is data loss. Even though it’s common, it causes panic and a lot of exclamation marks in the support email asking for help. There are various causes of data loss. They include our own fault such as dropping our hardware or deleting a file that we shouldn’t. It could also cause by hardware or system failure and software corruption, that’s out of our control. Data can also go haywire if being attacked by viruses or malware. There are tips to avoid data loss such as using uninterrupted power supply, working in a safe environment and back up your data properly.
In addition to the precaution that you are taking, FingerTec offers yet another method to eradicate data loss problem with FingerTec Cloud Centre at http://fcc.fingertec.com/
FCC is a web platform to store all FingerTec terminals' information and data securely on a cloud server. It’s easy. You just need to connect your FingerTec terminals to FCC and stop worrying about data lost because the original data will always be available online for instant retrieval.
FCC is a platform that enables you to consolidate all your data to Cloud environment for viewing, managing and backing up of data purposes.
At USD5 per terminal per month, relax and be at ease knowing that all your data is safe on the cloud. Sign up now! http://fcc.fingertec.com/register.aspx/
One of the common problems received by support at FingerTec is data loss. Even though it’s common, it causes panic and a lot of exclama...
5 Ways TimeTec Patrol Revolutionizes Guard Tours
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Android guard tour
cloud guard tour system
Guard Tour
Guard Tour app
NFC technology
TimeTec Cloud
TimeTec Patrol
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 Android guard tour , cloud guard tour system , Guard Tour , Guard Tour app , NFC technology , TimeTec , TimeTec Cloud , TimeTec Patrol 0 Comments
1. TimeTec Patrol system replaces the traditional Single Function Patrol tools such as the Watchman Clock, and the RFID patrol stick with a smartphone downloaded with TimeTec Patrol app. Patrol guards can mark patrol checkpoints and sends feedback of patrolling activity in real time.
5. For the security admin, TimeTec Patrol can be used to assign new route plans on the go, communicate changes in plans, and establish standards using the various reports templates readily available on TimeTec Patrol.
1. TimeTec Patrol system replaces the traditional Single Function Patrol tools such as the Watchman Clock, and the RFID patrol stick wi...
Biometrics is Fantastic! So, what are you still doing with punch card?
Saturday, 21 January 2017
change attendance system
Cost Effective Attendance Solution
cut cost
fingerprint technology for attendance
honest attendance
Saturday, 21 January 2017 biometrics , change attendance system , Cost Effective Attendance Solution , cut cost , facial , fingerprint , fingerprint technology for attendance , FingerTec , honest attendance 0 Comments
Seriously, we are in 2017 and punch card system for attendance is so old school, even our grandpa knows with how it works. Undoubtedly...
8 Fun Facts about the BLE powered Beacon
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Attendance Apps
attendance on app
attendance technology
Beacon attendance
cheap technology
office automation new technology
Time Beacon
TimeTec Attendance
TimeTec TA beacon
Tuesday, 10 January 2017 Attendance Apps , attendance on app , attendance technology , Beacon attendance , cheap technology , office automation new technology , Time Beacon , TimeTec Attendance , TimeTec TA beacon 0 Comments
Did you know that ……
1. Before the days of the BLE Technology, Beacons were typically referred to Lighthouses, tall structures that guide ships to navigate at sea. The BLE Beacon, however, is no light house.
2. The BLE Beacon is a small device that transmit signals. Designed on purpose to be low powered, and to emit short range signals at set intervals. Its short transmission range makes it the perfect device for providing location-based information and services, such as marking time attendance.
3. BLE actually stands for Bluetooth Low Energy, it is an enhanced and advanced version of the Classic Bluetooth designed by Nokia back in the days. BLE has come a long way from its predecessor, enabling a greater variety of functions and data exchange capability, including reporting Time Attendance.
4. BLE Beacons are easy to use, and apps such as TimeTec TA has made it so that users only need to Sign in, and with a single tap, you can mark your attendance in the office. Its technology, not magic!
5. Beacon is a widely accessible technology. Because BLE capability is found in most of our mobile devices today, Beacons are able to work on Android and iOS platforms on smartphones and tablets.
6. With BLE, Beacons maintains a very good battery life. Generally lasting from about 18 to 24 months, while some may even last over 5 years. Despite their reliability, Beacons don’t actually work that hard. They let Bluetooth do all the work, and Bluetooth is incredibly energy efficient. Even with a small sized battery, it packs a good punch.
7. Beacons are not just user-friendly, they are respectful. Because Beacon requires users to Opt-in for a successful pairing. It makes a secure, friendly and respectful device for Time Attendance.
8. When BLE Beacons are implemented with TimeTec TA in your office you can forget punch cards and access cards, all you need is your smartphone to clock in and/or out.
Try your hand at Time Beacon for Attendance using TimeTec TA mobile app and watch this video to know how easy it is to get your attendance data sorted out. Stay tuned for more info about beacon on this blog.
Did you know that …… 1. Before the days of the BLE Technology, Beacons were typically referred to Lighthouses, tall structures that g...