Human beings have always been observant creatures. We once determined the identification of people purely through behavior, and by the way they looked and sounded. Then we began forensic studies. We learned that fingerprints are unique. so are the eyes. We took those as means for identification in cases where we needed more absolute evidence. Then we created machines that could read ID cards.
As technology booms and life gets more complicated we are constantly shifting identity. Computers create profiles people use online to express any number of things. Computers are one way of assessing an individual's behavior.
Biometrics are the cutting edge of identification technology. A finger scanner can tell whether or not a person is authorized to access a room as well as positively ID someone currently in the database as a valid employee. Biometric time clocks can track work progress of the individual who has checked in. It makes an attendance system much more effective than it would be without the unique identification features.
And it's just the start. Biometrics are being used in all sorts of offices, airports, resorts, and more. They do not fail in the way that a person could with a photo ID. It's more in-depth and focused, assuring the best results.
by FingerTec USA
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Human beings have always been observant creatures. We once determined the identification of people purely through behavior, and by the way t...
Who is your customer? I still remember this question asked by the consultant who coached us to obtain the ISO 9001 certification in 1998.
Our staff knew the customers well enough to blurt out their names effortlessly. The consultant then stopped and questioned one staff, asking him whether his daily duty was to serve the customers directly, or some other immediate “customers” within our own company? After one round of the same question, our staff finally found that indeed, they had “customers” within the company as well. Even the sales and technical staff that are constantly in contact with our regular customers have other “customers” that serve their priority list within our organization.
Definition of Customer
So, who IS your customer? Eventually, the answer points to your superior within your department, or the peer that you report to in the next department. Anyone who demands something from you is your “customer”. Anyone who has some expectations of your work is your “customer”. The job you’ve just completed and handed over to the next guy - this next guy is your “customer”.
You have to ensure that the quality of your job consistently meets your "customer’s" requirements. I like this definition of CUSTOMER in a wider context. We often hear companies claim to deliver quality products that meet customer satisfaction as their mission statement, but more often than not, we see finger-pointing flying around, with blame for other departments or co-workers for some fault or the other. If the internal “customer” satisfaction couldn’t be achieved within a company, the mission statement is just another blurt-out slogan without any substance.
When our ISO 9001 certificate expired in 2007, I decided to forgo renewing it as the changes and growth in our internal quality system is occurring way too fast to be picked up by the documentation requirement of the ISO 9001. In my view, it wasn’t a big deal to acquire the certification - our blood constantly flows strong with quality management regardless.
This Monday, a group of officers under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia came to our office to conduct an audit-visit, as part of their procedures for the Brand Excellence Award short-listing companies. After the factory tour, one officer observed and mentioned that we should have implemented the 5S methodology. My response to her was that as of now we don’t specify, we have learned and adopted all kinds of good practices that benefit the brand.
With Matrade Brand Excellence Award audit committee
And that’s the concept of Jeet Kune Do that I have written about in my previous blogpost , … without style, moving fluidly instead of following rigid styles and patterns.
Yes, learn how to satisfy your other “customers” within the company; only then will you achieve the real satisfaction for your customers in a broader perspective.
by Teh Hon Seng, CEO, FingerTec HQ
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Who is your customer? I still remember this question asked by the consultant who coached us to obtain the ISO 9001 certification in 1998....
Get Security With An Access Control Fingerprint Door Lock
Running an efficient office is more than just having your employees come in on time and checking in with a biometric time clock. It is also about having the best possible safety and security available to your office. With a FingerTec fingerprint door lock you are guaranteed control of who accesses the room. It encourages a respect of property and privacy.
The door fingerprint lock may look small but they hardly handle a small task. That is why they are capable of holding thousands of fingerprints in their memory and can be updated to add or remove users easily. You can never be too careful. If your business handles any shipping, expensive items, or sensitive files then ordering a biometric door lock is a wise business decision.
When you think of the degree of online file sharing and snooping in this world, you really know that keeping everything under lock and key is protocol. Doors with mechanical locks are easy to pick. You can't break into a fingerprint door lock that easily. Agencies can use these for department specific access. Only employees working with a certain access ID or within that department's database will be authorized. It keeps order in check.
by FingerTec USA
Monday, 19 September 2011
Running an efficient office is more than just having your employees come in on time and checking in with a biometric time clock. It is also ...
FingerTec's Fingerprint Scanner Software Integrates With Most PayrollProviders
If you have ever wondered to exactly what extent finger scanner software benefits your company, you should take a look at FingerTec's TCMS V2. This attendance management tool, used exclusively with FingerTec technology, allows the users to automate the attendance system for simple time tracking, labor scheduling, and data collection/organizing. It has so many customizable features that you will wonder what you did to keep your employee's schedules straight before you had it. Gone are the days having to account for human error, managing payroll, and double-checking shift reports. This can all be done electronically now.
It integrates data so that it can download and send transactions, and the audit trails are indisputable, therefore making payroll a breeze. It can schedule overnight shifts and up to 3 shifts a day. It can handle several readers at one time, too, so you can have multiple employee time clocks to save time in the morning rush. The interface is easy-to-understand and organizes everything by category. You can look up schedules and attendance quickly and get the most recent activity without delay.
It runs on Pentium II processing and Windows software from 98SE onward. Keep it updated regularly for the best results. Your company will run smoother and you will have a more accurate record of all in-office shift activity.
by FingerTec USA
Monday, 12 September 2011
If you have ever wondered to exactly what extent finger scanner software benefits your company, you should take a look at FingerTec's...
I have re-acquainted Bruce Lee (1940-1973) from an iconic fighting Kung Fu star to a more complex personality. What was new for me was, he studied philosophy in university, and had a book collection of around 2500 pieces, which was apparently more than mine. He authored 3 books to introduce martial arts. He definitely had the brains AND brawns, ironic to the image we normally know and accept for a Kung Fu star.
My sudden interest in reading his biography was aroused by the new book entitled, “Political Jeet Kune Do”, written by my friend, Dr. Hew Kuan Yau, who has committed himself in the opposition political movements, and is also known as a huge fan of Bruce.
Political Jeet Kune Do, a book written by Dr Hew
Jeet Kune Do is a hybrid martial arts system and life philosophy founded by Bruce Lee, with direct, non-classical and straightforward movements. Tapping on the cultural symbols that are broadly recognized, and the concept of Jeet Kune Do believes in minimal movements with maximum effects - Dr Hew has definitely picked up a good weapon to attack his political opponents.
And, he is quite successful in this area. A few smartly re-edited and re-dubbed excerpts from Bruce Lee's films that ingeniously associated with some hot political issues have showed a high view rate and plenty of thumbs-up comments on YouTube. Some of his strategies have proven effective in the Sarawak State Election in April, as the head of Publicity Bureau, he had helped his political party make the biggest breakthrough gains in constituencies in history.
A re-dubbed excerpt for Bruce Lee's film
Dr. Hew, apart from an avid martial arts lover is also a cartoonist, an eloquent speaker and an author for several comics and commentary books. Before he pursued his Master’s Degree in History and Doctorate in Philosophy studies in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, we had the opportunity to co-author and published a comic cum critic book. While in Hong Kong, he led the fan club initiating a project to erect a Bruce Lee statute with a classic pose, at Avenue of Stars, near the waterfront at Tsim Sha Tsui in 2005, which has now become one of the major attractions for tourists to admire the legendary Kung Fu star and definitely a photo op spot.
Unlike most of the traditional Chinese martial arts that highlight specific moves and methods, Jeet Kune Do is not fixed or patterned; it was named for the concept of interception, and it is more like a philosophy and a guiding thought. The techniques of kicking, punching, trapping or grappling are smoothly flowing in whenever they are needed in a fight. Bruce Lee believed that combat was unpredictable and swift, a good martial artist should "be like water", a style without style, moving fluidly instead of following rigid styles and patterns.
Bruce Lee statute with a classical pose in Hong Kong
One of Bruce Lee famous quotes, I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.
The easy way is the right way. Ah, how it coincides with FingerTec philosophical guidance, we make things easy.
Be it political arena or commercial world, the environments are constantly and rapidly changing, reacting to the changes shouldn't rely on some rigid methods, and it should be like water, move fluidly within some external constraints, more importantly, maintained a "fighting" spirit. Dr. Hew applies Jeet Kune Do to achieve his political ideal; in fact, the concept is suited to companies that want to expand their brand markets too.
by Teh Hon Seng, CEO, FingerTec HQ
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
I have re-acquainted Bruce Lee (1940-1973) from an iconic fighting Kung Fu star to a more complex personality. What was new for me was, he ...
Being completely honest, how many times do you notice employees taking a break? How often do they come in late? do you want to have specified rules enforced in the employee time clock software so that you have an accurate reading of the time spent on work? One of FingerTec's newest features is a makeover on the clocking schedules.
This update breaks down all of your options so that it's easy to navigate adjustments. For example, the "Tolerance" tab deducts the amount of late time into work from the schedule, early time out from the schedule, time spent not resuming work, and early lunches. Human error happens. sometimes our watches aren't always accurate. Sometimes you can't help having to come in a little late or a leave early one day. Life happens, what are you going to do about it? At least with this feature you can have the system automate your employees schedule to give you an accurate reading of where the time is being lost. Other features include "Auto Add Break Rule," which helps keep track of necessary breaks during the day. It, too, prevents inaccuracies in the shift reports.
The automation and rule additions to the software make tabulating the shift report much easier. After all, the attendance system should be easy to read and navigate.
by FingerTec USA
Monday, 5 September 2011
Being completely honest, how many times do you notice employees taking a break? How often do they come in late? do you want to have specif...