FingerTec's Fingerprint Scanner Software Integrates With Most PayrollProviders

Monday, 12 September 2011 , , 1 Comments

If you have ever wondered to exactly what extent finger scanner software benefits your company, you should take a look at FingerTec's TCMS V2. This attendance management tool, used exclusively with FingerTec technology, allows the users to automate the attendance system for simple time tracking, labor scheduling, and data collection/organizing. It has so many customizable features that you will wonder what you did to keep your employee's schedules straight before you had it. Gone are the days having to account for human error, managing payroll, and double-checking shift reports. This can all be done electronically now.

It integrates data so that it can download and send transactions, and the audit trails are indisputable, therefore making payroll a breeze. It can schedule overnight shifts and up to 3 shifts a day. It can handle several readers at one time, too, so you can have multiple employee time clocks to save time in the morning rush. The interface is easy-to-understand and organizes everything by category. You can look up schedules and attendance quickly and get the most recent activity without delay.

It runs on Pentium II processing and Windows software from 98SE onward. Keep it updated regularly for the best results. Your company will run smoother and you will have a more accurate record of all in-office shift activity.

by FingerTec USA

If you have ever wondered to exactly what extent finger scanner software benefits your company, you should take a look at FingerTec's...

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