FCC Cures Your Data Lost Problem
One of the common problems received by support at FingerTec is data loss. Even though it’s common, it causes panic and a lot of exclamation marks in the support email asking for help. There are various causes of data loss. They include our own fault such as dropping our hardware or deleting a file that we shouldn’t. It could also cause by hardware or system failure and software corruption, that’s out of our control. Data can also go haywire if being attacked by viruses or malware. There are tips to avoid data loss such as using uninterrupted power supply, working in a safe environment and back up your data properly.
In addition to the precaution that you are taking, FingerTec offers yet another method to eradicate data loss problem with FingerTec Cloud Centre at http://fcc.fingertec.com/
FCC is a web platform to store all FingerTec terminals' information and data securely on a cloud server. It’s easy. You just need to connect your FingerTec terminals to FCC and stop worrying about data lost because the original data will always be available online for instant retrieval.
FCC is a platform that enables you to consolidate all your data to Cloud environment for viewing, managing and backing up of data purposes.
At USD5 per terminal per month, relax and be at ease knowing that all your data is safe on the cloud. Sign up now! http://fcc.fingertec.com/register.aspx/