Automation Disrupts Everything
Automation wave is coming strong around the world, disrupting all industries and everybody has to respond to it or face the consequences of being left behind. The financial industries are being shaken by automation, regardless of their preference. Robots are replacing people in warehouses and factories. Traditional businesses are rattled by the emerging business models that rely on data and not assets like Airbnb, Uber, Grab, and etc.
Data is being collected at all times from various sources and in different formats to feed organization with the best possible way to react about a decision or to a change that’s been happening. Some view automation as catastrophe for human workforce because they will be replaced by a system but some see it in a positive light where automation will provide employees with more time to focus on the things that matter, and to obtain accurate information without having to deal with human errors and noisy data.
When FingerTec embarked on this biometric journey, data automation was indeed our priority because we could foresee that major change that will take place in the future that will disrupt the equilibrium of the world we knew and data would be KEY. True to form, the world is going gaga about data, and now we are taking it literally to a higher level, the cloud. Having attendance data like biometrics data to be used in Windows software was a breakthrough 10 years back but having data to be used on a centralized cloud solution accessible worldwide is the world we live in today. Dealing with scattered data reduces effectiveness and productivity as opposed to having data at your fingertips at all times.
Workforce automation solutions must focus on providing convenience and practicality to its users so that they can embrace the new solutions without much hassle. In dealing with this disruption, FingerTec embraces change by being ready with not one cloud solution but an array of workforce solutions on cloud that can be deployed individually or as a whole by any company with a single sign-on and matching apps for user convenience.
TimeTec TA cloud-based time and attendance system manages employee work scheduling, clocking, rostering, attendance data, exporting of data to payroll and many more through the web and the app seamlessly. Around the corner, TimeTec Leave is about to be released to handle workforce leave management over the internet and on the app. TimeTec Leave manages leave accrual, balance, application, approval and etc, and a part of our solutions are interlink between one another, providing cohesiveness yet can be accessed by different people with different authority. TimeTec is cooking up TimeTec Hire, cloud-based recruitment solution that giving companies control over their hiring processes to dodge bad hires and save the company a lot of time and money.
Workforce automation has arrived whether you like it or not and data is an asset. People around the world are talking about big data analytics, internet of things, and etc. that requires data to be present, and readily available. There is no time for ‘wait and see’ attitude. Get over your curiosity and start getting in the game. Head over to and figure out how we could benefit your business or how you could grow the cloud business with us. Let’s!