Being Supportive Takes Effort

that’s what my team would like to give but there are a lot of challenges presented
when trying to provide quick support. Time difference indeed is one major
problem for us in servicing our customers. In fact, I think FingerTec is doing quite
alright with our 24/7 remote support.
You might need to wait for a few minutes (or sometimes a few hours) to get a reply but
the fact that we are available to solve your nagging problems is very much a
plus point. But when facing a more complex problem, one that may include
involvement from the other departments or teams, waiting is unavoidable.
covers a wide scope of problems. The team is handling both common questions such as
loss of product keys or activation codes and also harder ones that include firmware
change, debugging, customization, etc. One thing is for certain; the support team
wouldn’t be selective and not answer your common questions. However,
it is my hope that our customers could utilize our online available resources
for those questions. The fruit is ripe
for picking, guys.
have built these resources for years. The way it works is that, when you have a
problem, we solve it, and the solution is transformed into a guide that other
people can use in the future. Brilliant.
We have been in the business for more than a decade and if you threw a stone to
every question you have about FingerTec, there is a really fat chance it’d hit
the answer.
with our support team on standby and available most of the time, “why bother
looking for answers myself”, your inner voice would surely ask. Well, first, you can get to the answer sooner,
second, you don’t rely on our presence for your support and third, you get to
extend the support to your resellers/clients which in turn reduces your support
those uninitiated, head over to
and click on technical tips to get your answers. For FingerTec distributors and
resellers, please go to,
register yourself and enjoy the resources we have at your convenience.
doing this and extending the same to your clients, we could reduce support time
significantly and the time could be utilized for other pressing matters.
unique problems, which require unique solutions, do not hesitate to connect
with my team. And when you do connect with us, please make sure that you are
fully prepared with information, files, and everything you need for us to solve
your problems. Planning is an important part to be effective.
I live and breathe support for FingerTec, and if you have concerns about FingerTec support quality, email me at
Written by Aidid Sharulzaman Arifin, FingerTec HQ, Head of Support