Feeling Intimidated to Deploy Biometrics Door Access Controllers? 6 Interesting Facts about Ingressus Controller
For FingerTec customers who are familiar with biometrics terminals like R2, Kadex and R3 deployment and the way they are configured, the introduction of door controllers in the mix might confuse them up. Many have chosen to stick to the way things are and not keen to learn about this new system. Let’s have an open mind and learn about the potential of controllers for you can serve a portion of your clients that are looking for this kind of setup. Knowing the benefits of the controller can bring your door access business to another level.
First thing first, what is a controller? The concept of master and slave remains true in the deployment of door controllers where the controller is the master, and the biometrics/card readers are the slaves working for the master. Basically, in a controller setup environment, you need to connect the slaves to the controller and let the controller controls everything. Get it?
Let’s figure out 6 interesting facts about FingerTec's Ingressus controllers.
Cost Effective – To install master readers like R2 or R3 at all doors in a multi-door environment could be expensive because practically you need one master and one slave at all doors that you want to secure. Door controllers like FingerTec’s Ingressus have a few types which you can choose either to have a one-door, two-door or four-door installation. In short, you only need one master (Ingressus) for a two-door or a four-door installation. This can cut your implementation cost by around 13-20%, providing a more economical and cost effective option for your clients who want to mix and match the devices but simultaneously get the most effective system for their door access control.
Device & Data Centralized – In any door access control system, apart from the facility to provide a controlled environment, it also has to provide the audit trails of access activities to define its effectiveness. A controller solution like FingerTec’s Ingressus has been designed to gather all the access data received from the slave devices, which then can be pulled into the bundled software for a complete overview of the access security situation.
Scalable – The cost of access controller implementation is 13-20% lower than of the regular master-slave whole reader, and in addition to that, a controller such as Ingressus has a few types in its series, Ingressus I for one door installation, Ingressus II for two doors installation and Ingressus IV designed for a four door environment. You can scale the deployment of the controller to your requirements to make the best out of your budget, and at any time you can expand the deployment to larger areas by adding a few more.
Can be integrated with other solutions – A complete security system usually makes up for a few separate systems including door access control, surveillance cameras, alarm system and many more. Using a controller like FingerTec’s Ingressus, you can consolidate all these systems in one Ingress system and control them all from one centralized location.
Easy Installation and Configuration - Like many other new gadgets and electronic appliances, the installation and configuration must be user-friendly. FingerTec’s Ingressus works that way as well where no guessing game is required because the device is equipped with readily available I/O ports for user’s convenience, and it comes complete with user guides and tips to assist you in system deployment.
Last but certainly not least, Ingressus has many Amazing Door Access Functions embedded in it including Surge Protection, Interlock Function, Antipassback and many more. When all functions of a door access system are centralized in one device, the purchase of it is definitely worth the investment. All Ingressus purchase is bundled with the powerful door access software Ingress for a comprehensive management of access data on MySQL or MSAccess platform.
Find out more about FingerTec’s Ingressus Controller and email us at info@fingertec.com to purchase.