Now that your company has installed the latest technology such as biometrics fingerprint system to monitor and manage staff’s time attendance with the system constantly providing information about who is absent, the frequency and reasons of the absent; what’s next in line?

The availability of this attendance data can easily help you identify any disturbing patterns and address the problem head-on by having a clear and precise attendance policy indicating this issue in specific to avoid absenteeism from disrupting the company’s operation in the future.

First and foremost, a company needs a written attendance policy that covers from the kind of tool being used to record attendance to how to use it, when to use it, where the tool is located and consequences of not using it properly. Each staff needs to know that this tool exists and the way to use it properly in order to generate correct attendance data. The tool and the process must be specified in the handbook to avoid confusion or the risk of employees claiming misinformation. It is important to stress to everybody that the rules and policies would apply fairly across the company to avoid discrimination lawsuits coming your way. If in case management staff is subjected to a slightly different treatment, spell it out to avoid complications in the future.

Sample Attendance Policy for a company, it could be as comprehensive or as simple as you want it to be. 
Once this has been firmly established, how do you identify who are the repeat absentees? This is where the time attendance software and its reports come in handy. Refer to the attendance sheet, generate tardiness reports, weigh in the excuses given and by now you can figure out the hardcore absentees in your organization that needs to be dealt with. The employer can also quantify the absences into dollars and cents to justify the impact of excessive absence of an employee. When the company has established that the reasons provided are not legit or borderline ridiculous, the next step is for HR to address the situation, according to what has been written and laid down on your attendance policy about committing excessive tardiness. The remedy of tardiness should be spelled out clearly and in stages for clear understanding and easy implementation.

Start with verbal counseling to give the employee an advantage from having a paper record that will go permanently into their employment record. However, when discussion fails to resolve the matter at hand, a formal disciplinary write-up needs to be drawn to address this issue seriously. Depending on the frequency of the written warnings in your tardiness remedy, the objective is always to encourage the employee to show effort towards improvement.

By having a clear and precise attendance policy in place on how to tackle tardiness, both parties now know what are the consequences involved if such cases occur and the company can control the problem from escalating and causing further loss and disruption of company operations.

Now is the chance to inspect and examine your attendance policy and tweak what’s necessary to combat truant behaviors at the workplace.

Try TimeTec Cloud for FREE and find out how this solution could benefit your organization effectively when managing tardiness at your workforce.

Now that your company has installed the latest technology such as biometrics fingerprint system to monitor and manage staff’s time attendan...

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