Access Granted, An Ode to Fingerprint Reader Software

time track software

Tired of your employees changing the time on the manual employee time clock and then punching in as if they're not actually late? Well, instead of something so unreliable you can use the fool proof method to avoiding time theft and fraud. Fingerprint scanning technology, like a fingerprint time clock, is becoming more popular because it's just easier to set everything up digitally.

If you've been to Disney World in the last few years you'll notice that along with your park pass you need to place your finger on a scanner. This is to verify that you've been in the park, used the same entry card. You cannot substitute someone else's card as yours.

This can bring to ideas to mind: what if you can monitor attendance, so that only authorized can access your building, along with time scheduling your employees? You can use a door fingerprint lock at the entrance and an attendance system to keep payroll and hours in check. So when your office is souped up like Fort Knox, all the fair weather employees will notice they can't sneak away with their usual shenanigans. It also prevents intruders and/or ex-disgruntled employees from gaining access to your confidential documents.

by FingerTec USA

Tired of your employees changing the time on the manual employee time clock and then punching in as if they're not actually late? We...


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