Biometric Scanners: You Are the Key
In a few words, biometric scanners work by scanning your finger, hand, and/or face and matching it against authorized users and then either allows or denies you entry. This is not the wave of the future, this is part of the here and now! Biometric scanners improve security exponentially when combined with other security measures like security cameras. This relatively new technology surpasses old-fashioned lock-and-key doors because the key is actually you.While keys can be stolen, copied, and then used for nefarious purposes, that cannot be done with your finger. The sensitive equipment in a scanner can reliably recognize each person's unique physical signature. Another thing to note about traditional doors, their locking mechanisms can be picked by a determined thief. By manipulating the tumblers in normal lock with the right tools, the door is as good as open. Fingerprint scanners remove these two weaknesses from your security system.
A person's unique biometrics are things that absolutely no one can copy despite what some science fiction and/or spy movies may have you believe. This is what makes them an excellent addition to an office building trying to upgrade their security measures. Scanners offer the kind of security that can protect what needs to be protected.
by FingerTec USA