Biometric Time Clocks Help You

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 , 0 Comments

biometric time clocksBiometric time clocks are the future of personal security.  More and more companies are choosing this relatively new device to secure locked doors and protect what is on the other side.  It is easily one of the most advanced ways to lock a door and an excellent deterrent for any would-be thief.

Biometric time clocks do not have a metal key that can be lost, copied, or stolen by an outside person.  The only key that can access it is the finger attached to you!  Since every person's fingerprint is unique to them, trying to make a copy of it is an impossibility.  Also, typical doors that use a key have a locking mechanism that can be picked and manipulated by an expert thief.  Fingerprint locks do not have this problem.  The only way for a person to open such a door is if the the fingerprint scanner recognizes their fingerprint and lets them through.  Otherwise there is no way they are getting through.

Time clocks are also great for keeping track of employees coming and going and works well for keeping attendance.

These neat locking mechanisms have a variety of uses that should entice you to look into installing one of these devices.

by FingerTec USA

Biometric time clocks are the future of personal security.  More and more companies are choosing this relatively new device to secure locke...