Fingerprint Door Locks Are a Clutch Security System

When I say
fingerprint door locks are "clutch" I mean they are a very important point of security for many businesses. This is especially true with businesses who own proprietary products, prototypes, and confidential information. A grand majority of people only have experience with a regular old door that is both locked and unlocked using a regular old metal key. So what is so bad about that? These keys can be lost. If you are "lucky" they are simply lost forever, nowhere to be found. But if you are not lucky, some unscrupulous individual might have already picked it up and will try to see what it unlocks. With time and desperation enough they will eventually succeed.
But replace that old-fashioned door and lock with a
fingerprint door lock and you will not have that problem. The key to such a door is attached to you at all times so you run no risk of simply losing it. And unlike keys, fingerprints cannot be duplicated. You have so much security and control over who has access to that entrance that you will soon realize that having a regular door that uses a key is all but useless. It is also less reliable.
by FingerTec USA