The Road To Perfection Has No End

Friday, 23 December 2011 0 Comments

Everybody needs a laugh, isn't it?
Everybody is far from perfection. Even Apple sometimes has issues with their hardware, if you cared to check the net to find out the truth. Siri always gives you diverting answers to your questions and is not really as ‘brainy’ as what the hype claims she was. However, the irony is, everybody is looking for perfection, or constantly looking for imperfection to complain about. That’s being human. 

One thing dangerous, in my opinion, is state of being complacent; going through a long period without having urges to improve in any area in life. While perfection is vastly subjective or rather impossible to achieve yet the struggle to achieve perfection must continue. That’s being human.

2012 is just a few days away and looking back at the year we are going to leave behind, I would say that FingerTec practically ran the whole year on our road to perfection, having so little time to catch our breath; and the run doesn’t stop in December but picks up its speed in January and the struggle continues. There were so many things accomplished yet there are so many things in the pipeline waiting to be perfected for our customers. 

The latest will be the introduction of CloudTrack for all our resellers. A user can access the information of every FingerTec unit purchased from us since July 2011 and get details of every part available in that particular terminal. And even better, resellers will be able to update those records to contain the latest information about the particular terminal. In a way, CloudTrack will work as a record center for all FingerTec products to ever leave our company.

And this is just the beginning of what we have planned for you in the next coming year. Read about our plans in our debut annual magazine, Beyond Biometrics, which will be available in January 2012. And while you are at that, please send me your comments and opinions at

by Norana Johar, COO, FingerTec HQ

Everybody needs a laugh, isn't it? Everybody is far from perfection. Even Apple sometimes has issues with their hardware, if you cared t...