Biometric Technology Is Being Applied For Personal Identification ForColleges

Thursday, 8 December 2011 , 1 Comments

There has been quite a nasty string of exam fraud for university applications. This has prompted schools to start looking for alternatives to the traditional student ID and government issued photo ID. Since schools take themselves very seriously, having such fraud scandals could seriously hurt the admissions process. It is so easily avoidable, too. you just need to be sure that the person who took the test matches the academic record supplied by the school. This can be done with more advanced technology than a photo.

Biometric technology can be applied for many things, like employee clock in software, so why not for exam-taking? We ask for fingerprints and other forms of identification anyway when it comes to other matters of security and insurance. Why not make more advanced systems for education?

The simplest form would be a finger scanner. The more complicated forms of biometrics include a scan of the iris, vascular (skin), and face.  The University of Cambridge may start including software for exam fraud prevention so that they have a much smaller chance of any occurrence.

Biometrics have been proven useful for many forms of fraud prevention. From shift clock-in and out, banking, and building security. Academic integrity is just one more useful application of the technology.

by FingerTec USA

There has been quite a nasty string of exam fraud for university applications. This has prompted schools to start looking for alternatives t...

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