Why The Finger Scanner Is The Most Popular Biometric Technology
Fingerprints are absolutely and undeniably unique. We have the pattern of ridges on each fingertip that cannot be replicated by any simple means. Fingerprint classification has proven to have a high rate of success in identification in numerous applications. There are other forms of biometrics, such as DNA, but there are reasons it's not as feasible to use.
Although DNA is the most accurate form of identification, it can be easily acquired and used. So, in a sense, it has a higher potential for identity theft. Finger scanner technology also can be programmed to detect moisture and temperature so it will only allow access to a live present person.
Fingerprints are also very simple for users. The most common prints are the index finger and the thumb. Biometric time clocks can therefore be used very quickly and easily when employees are waiting to sign in and access the building. It is an easy process that does not detract any work time. The software will even track breaks for accurate listings of work hours.
The technology is non-invasive and it's safe. It works as an extra security measure without impeding on anybody's comfort level concerning privacy. It keeps that happy middle ground.
by FingerTec USA
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