Replace Archaic Time-Clock Solutions
Business owners and companies are always looking for ways to speed up their workforce and make workflow more efficient. Being more efficient means both cutting costs and earning more money. A relatively simple solution is to upgrade employee time-clock methods. The old-fashioned way is by using a card to punch in. Some businesses use even more basic forms of clocking in: bosses make note of when their employees come in or the employee writes it down on the schedule.The problem with the first way is that it is easy to "game" the machine. A friend or colleague can game the system by taking his friend's punch-in card and punching it himself, regardless of whether or not the friend showed up for work on time --if he showed up at all.
The second method is not reliable in the least. What if your supervisor is not at work one day? You have to tell someone else who will let the supervisor know, and that wastes time and money. Simple human error is another reason the method is not viable. Your boss might forget to make note of you coming into work.
To combat the problems these two archaic systems create, consider upgrading to a fingerprint time-clock system, which is easy to use and reliable.
by FingerTec USA