Green is Gold

Tuesday, 8 February 2011 0 Comments

It’s never too late to do something right, that I believe is true. The recent initiation by FingerTec to go green is an example of us trying to do the right thing. It’s definitely not the pat-in-the-back moment but the change must start with us no matter how small it is. First and foremost, FingerTec IS an environmentally friendly product to start with, there’s no doubt about that. The use of fingerprint definitely reduces paper usage significantly. FingerTec data is digital and printable when necessary, and the only factor left to make our brand friendlier to the Mother Earth is to reduce the use of papers in the packaging.
After exploring the pros and cons, we executed the idea with the objective to enrich and reduce simultaneously; it might sound ironic but it is doable. The solution is to put all our resources into one DVD!
Let’s explore what we have in store for you in this smiley green DVD:
On the left of the DVD, you can download TCMS software, TCMS manuals, view TCMS video and on the right side, you could obtain Quick Start Guide, Installation Guide, User Guide, Video Guide and Enrolment Form. This DVD also links you to various useful websites when you are connected to the Internet.
Remember WORLD and you’d be okay.
W stands for Warranty where you can submit your warranty registration at to get your 24-month warranty coverage.
O stands for Online news where you could get some tips and latest info of our products at
R stands for Read online where you read your manuals online at htpp://
L stands for Learn to use by viewing the readily available video guides at
D stands for Download latest software updates at
This DVD is truly making things easy for you!
And on top of that we also repackage our product in a more compact packaging, in our effort to support the world; the boxes are smaller and printed materials lesser. With this reduction we could fit in more boxes in one shipping and the weight is reduced to the benefit of our clients.
FingerTec will keep on thinking about ways to improve ourselves for the good of everybody. Drop me an email at should you have any ideas or feedback about FingerTec.

by Norana Johar, COO, FingerTec HQ

It’s never too late to do something right, that I believe is true. The recent initiation by FingerTec to go green is an example of us tryi...